Modern Data Serialization Method

In this blog, I’m gonna discuss about the modern method for data serialization which is Protocol buffers usually referred as Protobuf. It’s a binary communication format designed by Google which allow us to serialization and deserialization of structured data. But wait, the above tasks can also be done by other formats like JSON or XML, so why google choose to designed a new communication format ? As we all know that almost all big tech giants are majorly focusing on high performance and optimized speed. [Read More]
#Protobuf  #gRPC 

Journey to the React Component Life Cycle

As we all know, our birth cycle has three phase Birth, Growth, Death, the React Component follows the same Birth-Growth-Death life cycle the difference is we can’t control human life cycle but we can control React component’s life cycle :p. Think a little bit about what a React component does… Based on what we have covered so far in a single sentence: it describes what to render. We already know that it uses the render() method for this purpose. [Read More]

How Containers Came Into Existence ?

In this blog, I will discuss the concepts of Containers, but first we have to get an understanding of when this term came into existence and how it made a developer’s lives easier. For that, we first have to understand that the precursor of Containers, why there was the need to switch to containers, and discuss the architecture of Virtual Machines and Containers. Although the goal of both terms are similar (i. [Read More]
#docker  #devops  #VMs